Wednesday, December 21, 2011


1911 was a film that in prakasai by Jackie Chan who to-100. This film is Jackie Chan's latest movie there in 2011.

"1911" has ambition and shows a visual spectacle, but trapped into the tracks "The Founding of the Republic" and "First Great Awakening." As a result, did not inspire the revolution also serves as a review for history.
Fortunately, there are books and internet for it. This film recounts the history of china in the early 20th Century, the china in a state of crisis. countries are divided into groups that eventually mualai warring, and wargapun be hungry. and plus the political reforms belakangtelah make the situation worse.
Qing dynasty in power controlled by a seven-year-old emperor, and his mother is very cruel. 
Once citizens begin to rebel, but the army has established the Qing Dynasty Modern Army (Army nwe) is strong to stop the rebellion. 
But the result of a modern army requires a weapon that cost is very expensive and because it requires a lot of money, eventually the leader of the Qing opened to foreign trade and trade in anything, including selling the future of China. 
On the other hand Huang Xing (Jackie Chan) has just returned from Japan, where he had just learned in Japan about the art of modern warfare. stiba Xing in China turned out to see that his country had been divided. and forced to contribute Xing, led a series of violent rebellions increasingly despaired of the Qing Dynasty and the New Army-with tragic consequences.

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